
This is a story of a dress that disappears and reappears again..

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I saw this dress at tsilli.net at first but I could not decide if I wanted it or really wanted it. So someone else bought it before I could. I saw this dress again and it was being put up for sale a few weeks ago and now it's in my hands :> This is what I call fate ohoho!

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My granny crochet flats came in last Monday and I love love love it! I'm not wearing it out yet since it's been raining every single day. Plus school requires me to be in formal wear now mehh :(

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An idea I have been toying around with for quite sometime.. But is anyone interested to be my pen-pal? I have a number of pretty little things lying around in my room and it's a shame I don't use it as much so I feel that it's better if I can exchange them for something from you. I have postcards, envelops, origamis I folded and some fabric badges I can sew. So, if you are interested, just leave a comment with your e-mail address and I'll get back to you :>


  1. I want leh! I know I'm being so tak tau malu but whatever, I want! You know my email add bby :p

  2. Since you're my best friend, your tak tau maluness is excused :P Nanti aku sendirik hantar to your mailbox ok? Hehehe

  3. *raises hand* Me! You can drop me a note at ovenhaven(at)gmail(dot)com ;)

    The dress is so sweet, gotta love candy stripes :) And I'm not a fan of studs, but that cardi's tastefully done I must say! Where's that from?

  4. Ok!! I hope I send it over to you really soon. I actually have the package ready but can't seem to find the time to make my way to the post office :(

    I really like it because it was pink and it was stripy hehehe. I bought this a few months ago from Zipia.net. But apparently my friend found the exact same cardigan (not sure of quality) selling at Bugis at a cheaper price. I feel so cheated!!

  5. I love the dresssss!

    Can I join too? I love snail mail and I did a swap a few months back!

  6. Of course! Just leave me your email address and I get back to you very soon ;)

  7. Awesome! email me at lilsoul_@hotmail.com

    Thanks dear! Can't wait to hear from you! ;)

  8. i dont want to be your penpal but i want your shoes. ;)

  9. Cannot :P
    And cik kak, one whole week I didn't talk to you, I miss you lei :( Why are you not online?

  10. I chanced upon your blog and it really touched a raw part within me

    brought back many memories of times together when I was younger with mymother in Singapore as I grew up by Matilda Beach ... every afternoon was spent building sand castles and watching the fishing boats drift

    I've been living in many cities around the world, apart from my mother since 1999 and she was my only connection to Singapore

    she love to grow little herb pots and sprouts in old milk tins/cans , tea cups
    and would sit for hours by the window watching them grow and sketching them

    when I had to clear our her room after the funeral
    I stumbled upon many sketches, drawings of plants and our furry little friends

    my mother, she passed away on 06th April 2010
    27days after the doctor's found out about her cancer
    short lived but touched the lives of everyone who met her

    Im wondering whether do you like doing swaps ..
    I like writing and sending letters,postcards and little knickknacks the old fashioned way ~
    Can I send you something from Sydney? it will be so cool to be
    able to write to someone who appreciates snail mail ....

    looking forward to hearing from you
