
"Life is like a roller coaster - it goes up and then it comes down. The thing about roller coaster is there are safety bars in place for you. So don't be afraid of falling, cause one day you will come back up again."
- Qualifications of Men


  1. hi there, lenny. i am just thrilled to know that someone else in this world, namely YOU was also inspired by his words :D

    i was also inspired by the oldest guy's talk (i cant remember his name) allow me to quote him (or sort of, i didnt catch his words by exact actually) " Life is full of burdens. Don't just put your burden down simply because they're heavy as one day, you might be needing them"

    ever since, i think both quotes have been my life motto :D

  2. Hi! As creepy as this might sound, I think I've come across a blog of yours from blogspot before because I kinda remembered seeing "Lee Ash Roe" somewhere but I can't seem to find it now though. Now I feel like a stalker haha!

    Anyway, yes! I showed this quote to a lot of other people and I've not encounter anyone who is not inspired by this quote. I teared up a little bit when he gave his speech because he made it so ... memorable. In a way, I was really inspired to be a much more positive person after the show ;)
