
Warning: This post is a post dedicated to all of the delicious little things I consumed during the weekends and they might clog my arteries in one way or another or make your stomach rumble all of a sudden but all is well because in the end I am happy (but my bank account balance is not)




I had Arab food over at Nabin's with the poly mates on Saturday. I wish I could upload more pictures but the lighting in the pictures made editing almost impossible so I gave up. But say hello to the feta cheese platter and to the grilled meat platter.








I met up with my childhood best friends today and had a really lovely time. I met one of them, Belle, when we were three. We're nineteen now and holey cheesy macaroni that's 16 years of friendship. If you girls are reading this, Safarina and Belle, let's head out to the next eating date very soon okay! :D



We hopped over to Children's Little Museum after that and it's a shop plus a museum displaying old, vintage, retro stuff. I was very interested in the toys being displayed like the card games and pick up sticks. Also those rattan balls hanging are used in Takraw - a sport that is really popular among Malay boys in Singapore. I didn't buy a tikam pack though, was really running low on cash. So, maybe next time ;)


  1. Hi, I love our trip to Nabins because I'm amazed how we all got along really well and it was an outing worth waiting for. We should really do this again because its damn fun manz! :D Anyway, how was the food at Wanna B? Worth the penny tak? And bring me to the museum ah one day! I am a child at heart you know. You of all people should know that very well ;)

  2. hi, i love the trip to nabin's too. if only someone wasn't late for one hour and lost her way even though she took the cab. i am quite impressed by her navigating skills ignoring the fact that she did went to nabin's before. and yes, i think wanna b price wise is almost similar to swensen but this place allows you to chill and get cosy with your friends more. my friends and i were too full after that you know? okay can, i want to go there again because the shop next door sells awesome bags and i kinda want to buy hehehe. and i shall pretend that's some brand new information, thank you for enlightening me D<

  3. Hey Lenny! You talk about loving my photos but you have quite the photoblog here hun! Thank you so much for reading tea noir and omg is my blog intimidating or something lol? Please don't feel intimidated by it (or by me) ;D I'm happy to add one more local blogger to my daily reads.

  4. hi ilyana, thank you for dropping by! :D my pictures are not as interesting as yours and that's why i love your blog. it's entertaining and never fail to make me laugh, really. but i don't think you and your blog give out that intimidating vibes though because i'm .. a really shy person hehe
