
Met ovenhaven with Fiza last week and she gave each of us her Oreo brownie. I know many like their brownie with ice cream but I like mine with a cup of cold milk. I want one now D;

My NYX lipstick in Paris. I have a very hard time trying to pull off this colour because it will turn purple after application. I like my lips to be nude or light pink and ... let's just say on days when I do remember, I will apply my lipgloss and pretend my lips are pretty enough (read: I like this delusional thought of mine)

Just wanted to post something because ... I like 20102010 but I've no good luck today. The only thing that made me smile was the morning sun shrouded by the haze (what a beautiful sight, really) and when I spotted a balding bird hopping around a patch of grass. I'm sorry, I don't know why balding birds managed to amuse me to no end. Why are you guys even friends with me? Have I gone mad? Also, I had so many brain fart moments this morning and I was in a really bitchy mode. I just want to run myself into a wall and stab someone with a pencil. Just one of those days I guess...

Besides, an aunt passed away yesterday afternoon and our family rushed to her funeral this morning. I wanted to reach out and hug my cousin even though I'm never close to her and her mum. But I didn't. I wanted to tell her I understand what she's going through. But I didn't. I'm such a coward in so many ways..


  1. Me wants oreo brownies!!!!! :(

  2. 'Brain farts' had me LOL-ing :P Glad to have finally met you pretty ladies! Can't wait to meet up again soon :)

    Sorry to hear about your aunt. Hope her family's coping well.

  3. @ ovenhaven: when i make a boo boo, i use brain farts as a reason and try to get away with it :P yes, most definitely. your big day is a few weeks away but i guess after you settle down we can all meet up again :)

    i don't really keep up with their news anymore, i feel really bad because of that, but i sincerely hope that they are coping well too.
