lion city

The world's biggest flyer for now.. Believe it or not, as a Singaporean, I've never taken a ride on it before (and I don't plan to in the near future).

There's a ship up there. I saw pictures of the place before and I am quite jealous. I want to be there too!

Central Business District area. Skyscrapers. Tourists attraction. Though I honestly think tourists should come to the heartlands more to see what we are really like.

Night view #1

Night view #2 at a different area of our city. We have bright lights everywhere, you can't see the stars anymore at night.

All this being said, I need to go for a getaway where things are different and slower. I promise I won't try to overtake the person in front of me who is strolling casually when I'm on a busy street. I shall try not to look at my watch every 10 minutes or so. I will be less impatient and I don't think there's a need for me to walk in hurried steps anymore. Eeeps, I sound like I'm tired of home.


  1. Lovely photos dear! My fave is the first! :)

  2. @fuzzygreenlights: thank you faiz!! :)
