long time no see

Hello beautiful people! Is anybody still here hanging around this space? It's been far too long hasn't it? I've been coming back and forth, one moment I decided to let this place be and then some other time I thought hey, let's revive this place.

I've always wanted elevendecember to be known as a photography blog. It's only until recently that I realise I need to stop being so uptight about this whole thing. Let's face it. I'm not cool enough to be known as the girl who takes great pictures. I wish people can say that about me but as for now, I don't bring my cameras out to play any more.

No more travels for the year of 2012 so here I am at home lazing around and on some days doing things that are unnecessary but I did it anyway to pass time. I've been baking rather seriously and donating the end products to people because I'm really not a dessert girl. Oh the irony.

Baking from scratch makes me happy when the end product looks so beautiful and I am able to take a picture of it. I guess in the end everything boils back to picture taking aye?

Salted caramel sauce

Infusing green tea bags into whole milk

Very chocolatey cupcakes

Green tea chocolate cupcakes

Anyway, it's been far too long! I didn't know blogger changed their interface. Took me a while to find the new post button and I've also forgotten my flickr username and password. I'm hosting the pictures through blogger. I think this should be good enough.

It's December 2012!!!!! So many crazy things happened while I was away but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? I miss this place so much and I hope I am able to bring it to a whole new direction.

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